ENG 001 Course registration procedures for the Department of Basic English


Dear students,

2022-2023 Academic year, fall semester, The Department of Basic English (Preparatory School) ENG 001 course registrations will be made through ATACS between 07 September 2022 (10:30) - 15 September 2022 (23:59).Students failing to follow the steps below or register for a course on time will not be admitted to courses.

Upon logging into the system, click “Student” to land on the homepage for your department.

On the login screen, please provide your user name only. Your user name is the part of your student e-mail address before the (@) sign. For example, for the account xyz@student.atilim.edu.tr, the user name would be “xyz” only.

Click the “Course Registration & Graduation Transactions” on the menu on the left side of the screen.

Then, please click “Preparatory English Course Registration Transactions” to land on the course registration page.

Click “Register” to register for your ENG101 course for Fall 2020-2021. 

Please note that you are required to have paid the tuition fee for the preparatory school via the payment channels before registering for a course.

If you have paid your tuition fee, and your payment information is on the system, and there are no other issues to constitute a challenge, your course registration procedures will be completed successfully.

The courses to which you have registered successfully will appear in yellow on your list. You will see a color code meaning “Registered + Not Finalized”. You may log out at this point.

Please note: If you have forgotten your password, please use the “Forgot Password” link in the lower right corner to create a new one. In this case, you will be mailed a password recovery link to your alternate e-mail address. You may follow the link to create a new password.

If your alternate password is invalid; to register your new alternate e-mail address (G-Mail, Hotmail etc.) on the ATACS system, please send an e-mail to oim@atilim.edu.tr, providing your full name, the photo of your Turkish Citizen or Student ID card, and the letter and information below:  

“I am a student of your University (Student ID: ......................) under the School of .....................,  in the Department/ Program of .............................. . I kindly request that you update my alternate e-mail address on the system as ................................@...................”