Cooperation with University of Maribor

On 19-20 June 2019, we hosted the faculty members of the Faculty of Logistics from the University of Maribor which is one of the top 500 universities in the world and has achieved a very serious success with the Faculty of Logistics. We visited Ankara Logistics Base together.

Our guests Prof. Bojan Rosi, Faculty Dean and Assoc. Prof. Borut Jereb, Faculty Member visited our President Prof. Yıldırım Üçtuğ and Vice President Prof. Serkan Eryılmaz. They visited Prof. Mithat Üner, Dean of School of Business, and the parties concluded a Memorandum of Understanding. The Cultural, Scientific and Academic Memorandum of Understanding signed between the two schools aims to carry out joint studies on exchange of academic staff and students, Erasmus Agreement, joint research and scientific meetings in the future. In the meantime, Multimodal Transportation Systems: Sample Of Trieste” report prepared by our department students on their experience about the visit was presented to our guests.