SySoQual April 2015 Seminar Activities

SySoQual Research Group April Seminar activites are as follows:

Date: 15 April, 2015       Time: 14:30-15:30

Place: Computer Engineering Department Meeting Room – C Block

Speaker: Dr. Gizem Akıncı, Geonumerics Group, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, MIT


Fluid and Solid Simulations and Efficient Surface Reconstruction with SPH

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a popular particle-based fluid/solid simulation technique with its wide application area ranging from the entertainment industry (e.g., movies, video games, commercials) to scientific research fields (e.g., medical simulations, dam and flood simulations, petroleum research). As the method has been gaining increased interest, simulation scenarios have been becoming more diverse and more complex. Stability and correctness of the simulation depends on many variants/parameters which should be controlled carefully. On the other hand, surface extraction from particle-based fluid data still remains as one of the bottlenecks due to large computation time and memory consumption requirements, and also because of difficulties in achieving smooth and detailed surfaces. This presentation starts by the motivation of the topic, reviews the previous simulation and  surface reconstruction techniques shortly, and later focuses on novel simulation and surface reconstruction methods, e.g. parallel data structures for neighborhood search, versatile interface handling, high quality foam rendering, crack generation in solids, parallel surface reconstruction and adaptive surface generation techniques.


Date: 22 April, 2015        Time: 14:30-15:30

Place: Computer Engineering Department Meeting Room – C Block

Speaker: Joseph Ledet (PhD Candidate), Auburn University, Computer Science & Software Engineering Department, Auburn, AL


A Model Transformation Process for Simulation Modernization and Reuse

Due to the increased use of simulation models in computational scientific experimentation, the need for reuse as well as continuous modernization and hence independent replication and reproduction of the models and results of experiment simulation executions has become essential. The desire to refrain from sharing all details of a simulation experiment can, and often does, come from legitimate and necessary reasons, such as a need to maintain security or intellectual property rights. However, the negative impact of not being transparent in these details has resulted in a decrease in credibility of the results obtained from such experiments.In this presentation, we detail the developing of a process utilizing Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) principles, specifically Model Transformations, to produce Platform Independent Models (PIM) for the purpose of enhancing the reliability of the existing Platform Specific Models (PSM). Additionally, a second process could be concurrently developed to transform existing PIMs into PSMs for the purposes of executing these simulations to validate the results obtained in previous deployments. We attempt to address the current state of the development of this process, including Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) rules and Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) examples. We address many of the lessons learned from developing a hybrid process using multiple transformation tools. Finally, we address the expectations of how this process will be expanded in our future work and how it can be integrated into an experiment management process for experiment simulation replicability and reproducibility.