SySoQual Research Group April-2016 Seminar

Seminar Title: Cloud Computing and Big Data

Speaker: Asst.Prof.Dr. Ziya Karakaya

Date: Friday, 29th of April 2016

Time: 10:00-11:00

Place: Faculty of Engineering, Building C, 3rd floor 305 Meeting room (Dekanlık toplantı salonu)

Abstract: In recent years, Big Data has gained its popularity and importance in industry and academia. Although there are many software and hardware infrastructure developed for this purpose, they are still in their development cycle, and there needs to be more research on these topics underlined. In this seminar, we will be focusing on the infrastructure needed to make Big Data application. The key enabler technologies of Big Data are scalable computation power and huge storage units. There is another technology, Cloud Computing, which provides easily scalable systems, and huge storage systems. We will also be discussing these two complementing technologies in this seminar.