Our University is now certified as a “Safe Campus in the Context of the Global Pandemic”

The efforts of our University against the COVID-19 outbreak have granted us a “TSI Safe Campus Certificate in the Context of the Global Pandemic”.

Our University has acted in line with the warnings by the Ministry of Health of Turkey and the World Health Organization, as well as the measurements determined taking official resolutions in place into account, since the new Coronavirus disease emerged in China, in December 2019.

Many activities have continued at our campus since then, such as our hybrid education model and scientific studies for starters, excluding the Spring semester last year. We continue to update and fully exercise the measures taken in spaces utilized by our academic and administrative personnel, as well as our students, such as the campus entrance, as well as our
classrooms and restaurants.

Since our practices match the conditions on “Guide to Establishing Healthy and Clean Environments at Higher Education Institutions in the Context of the Global Pandemic”, our University was granted the certificate shortly after the audits by specialists from the Turkish Standards Institution (TSI). Atılım University President Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Üçtuğ received the document on our behalf on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, from Prof. Dr. Adem Şahin, the President of TSI.

Click here to view the certificate.