The Atılım University Presidency Handover Ceremony Takes Place
In the presidency handover ceremony where we saw off our previous President, Prof. Dr. M. Yıldırım Üçtuğ, having resigned last July; our Ex-President passed the presidency regalia to Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz, our new President.
The ceremony saw the attendance of Mr. Yalçın Zaim as the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees; and Board of Trustees Members Zerlin Zaim, Dinçer Özer, Cengiz Altınkaya; our Ex-President Prof. Dr. M. Yıldırım Üçtuğ; our current President Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz, Vice President Prof. Dr. Uğur Baç; as well as Deans of Schools, Heads of Departments, our academic and administrative personnel, and our students.
In his inauguration speech, Mr. Yalçın Zaim, the Chairperson of AU Board of Trustees, stated “the University is among the institutions that live by their traditions; and traditions are paramount in the case of institutions that have stood the test of time for centuries”, and mentioned the establishment of the academic departments, as well as the innovations, and the achievements we saw under the presidency of Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Üçtuğ. Following the inauguration speech, Mr. Yalçın Zaim, the Chairperson of AU Board of Trustees, presented a souvenir to Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Üçtuğ to commemorate the day.
Then, Prof. Dr. M. Yıldırım Üçtuğ was invited to take the floor, having been the President of Atılım University between September 2015 and July 2023. In his speech, Prof. Dr. M. Yıldırım Üçtuğ mentioned the achievements by Atılım University in the THE rankings in the first year of his service, as a result of previous efforts. Detailing the efforts to maintain our placement as per the THE, alongside other international placements, Prof. Dr. Yıldırım Üçtuğ touched on the issue of digitalization in operational processes, and mentioned the measures taken to fend off a possible pause in higher education due to the pandemic, as well as the positive outcomes.
Prof. Dr. M. Yıldırım Üçtuğ concluded: “I wish Mr. Eryılmaz luck in his journey onwards in this flag race. I am certain that he will push Atılım University further, adding an even better touch, maintaining, and even improving on our progress so far. I believe so, hand on heart. I believe that Atılım University will go even further, and solidify its position in the spotlight among the best universities worldwide as we celebrate the centennial Republic of Türkiye, or our 30th, or even 50th anniversary. I would like to thank all of you, once again, from the bottom of my heart. With sincere regards.”
Then, Prof. Dr. M. Yıldırım Üçtuğ passed his Presidency regalia to Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz ceremoniously. Then, following the presentation of his curriculum vitae, our 7th President Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz was invited to take the floor.
In his speech, President Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz touched on the importance of the previous efforts regarding the acquisition of a five-year accreditation as per THEQC, and the achievements reached.
He said: “We have a great responsibility as a university in order for our students to build a greater future for themselves, and to contribute to the development of our country after their graduation. And, as the President of Atılım University, my role here is critical.
While having taken over Atılım University as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Republic motivates me, it certainly adds to my responsibilities. With the motto “Together, to the Better”, I will be working alongside you, my dear colleagues, with the aim for Atılım University, world-famous for our successful studies and efforts, to achieve even more, nationally, and internationally. We will be making an effort regarding process development and betterment, in terms of qualified human resources, and the production of quality information to hit the targets in our sights. As for our academic activities; in designing educational processes focusing on quality, open to innovations, based on research, and powered by the technological developments of, pretty much, each and every discipline; our research strategy shall be based on R&D activities in all areas, and pioneering scientific studies at the frontiers of science in certain areas where Atılım University has the lead.”President Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz added: “The configuration of public service activities based on the principle for activities that benefit all segments of society, and help everyone feel good is inevitable.”
He concluded his speech saying “I would like to thank my administrative and academic colleagues, with whom we have set off on this path; for the support that they have provided, and their support to come.”
We thank our previous President Prof. Dr. M. Yıldırım Üçtuğ for his contributions to Atılım University, and congratulate our new President Prof. Dr. Serkan Eryılmaz, wishing him luck in his endeavors that are vital for not only our University, but for our country.