International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Analysis

The International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Analysis in Memory of Prof. Gusein Sh. Guseinov

(Hüseyin Şirin Hüseyin ) (ICAMA 2016) organized by the Department of Mathematics, Atılım University 

was held on July 11-13, 2016.


The conference was dedicated to the memory of Atılım University, Mathematics Department faculty member Prof. Hüseyin Şirin Hüseyin who passed away on March 20, 2015. Prof. Hüseyin was famous for his studies in various fields of mathematics. He was a faculty member of the Department of Mathematics at Atılım University since 2001 and had a significant contributions to the  progress of the department in both education and research. 


Invited speakers of the conference were Prof. Marin Bohner from Missouri University of Science and Technology, Prof. Elgiz Bayram from Ankara Üniversitesi, Prof. Metin Gürses from Bilkent Üniversitesi and Prof. Ravi P. Agarwal from Texas A&M University- Kingsville. 

More than 100 mathematicians from 10 different contries attended the conference.  They presented 83 contributed talks organized in four special sessions: 

Advances in Difference, Differential and Dynamic Equations,

Fractional Calculus and Applications,

Fixed Point Theory and its Applications
