Haber Başlığı

Our department head, Dr. Instructor Member Dudu Melek Er Sabuncuoğlu's article has been published in the Journal of Hacettepe University Faculty of Health Sciences.

Haber Başlığı

217 / 5,000 Translation results At the Education Integration Summit held at ATO Congresium on 21-22 June 2022, Assoc. Dr. D. Melek ER-SABUNCUOĞLU conducted the workshop on "ICF as a Common Language in Strengthening Integration".

Haber Başlığı

The study titled "Team Decision Making Questionnaire Turkish Form (TDMQTR): Validity and Reliability Study" by our Department Head D. Melek ER SABUNCUOĞLU has been published. Link for full text:https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/article-file/1795677
