Chairperson’s Message

Prof. Dr. Nüket Belgin ELBİR
Dear Students,
The department of English Language and Literature was established in 1997. The mission of the department is to achieve academic excellence in the field of English Literature and to educate students with substantial knowledge of both English language and literature as well as Western culture.
Within this context the vision of department is to take active part in the global academic field while studying both canonical and contemporary literary works and new trends in English literature.
Therefore, students who graduate from the department will have extensive theoretical knowledge about English literature and culture in every aspect which will help them compare and contrast English Literature and culture with other literatures and cultures through works from different periods and genres. Thus, they will acquire the necessary skills of creative, critical and analytical thinking with the necessary knowledge about the ways of conducting an academic research in their post graduate studies.
There is a wide variety of job opportunities for our graduates. Graduate students can become academics, instructors and lecturers of English teachers at various universities and schools; they can work as translators, particularly of literary works in various publishing houses or work at media such as editing newspapers, journals; they can also work at international institutions such as United Nations, UNICEF, UNESCO, European Union and Embassies, including tourism sector, trade companies and national and international airlines.
The students of the Department of English Language and Literature may take Spanish, German, French and Russian courses. They may also take elective and free elective courses apart from must courses. The department also offers other opportunities for students such as double/minor programs in Translation and Interpretation and International Relations. Apart from all these, Erasmus Program for student exchange is another great opportunity for students to go abroad and improve their knowledge and skills.
Our Department raise competent graduates who are skilled enough to work in the field of English Language and Literature, in and out of the academic world thanks to the strong academic and dynamic education provided by our faculty.
I wish all our students and graduates success in their educational and professional lives and hope to be in contact with them in the future as professionals.