Proficiency and Placement Examinations

During registration the students enter Placement Test and those placed in Level A are entitled to take Proficiency Exam given at the beginning of Academic Year.

Students who prove successful on the Proficiency Examination (a minimum grade of 60 for all departments except English Language and Literature and Translation and Interpretation Departments which require a minimum grade of 65)

Those who do not demonstrate the aforementioned language proficiency  start English at The Department of Basic English in Level A  based on their Placement result. There are four levels, D(Starter), C (Elementary), B(Pre-intermediate) and A(Intermediate). A one week grace period is maintained for students to change levels at instructor and administration discretion. This insures that all students study at the level most appropriate for them thus allowing progress to occur more readily.

Those who pass Level A at the end of the academic year are entitled to take the Proficiency Exam.

The specifications of Proficiency Exam are as follows:


The APEX examination is a general test of English proficiency for candidates wishing to enter degree or diploma courses at Atılım University. The level of the test is supposed to encompass levels B1 to B1+ in the Common European Framework of Reference. It is produced and administered by Atılım University School of Foreign Languages Department of Basic English. The standard of the examination is established with reference to CEF. Because of the need to process large numbers of candidates, the formats are generally of a kind that can be optically or clerically marked: multiple choice, matching, short completions, and so on. Where the questions are open-ended, double marking is carried out by teams of experienced markers. Because APEX is a dynamic and evolving examination, the formats will change from time to time.

Sample Proficiency Exam