
An informing  50-minutes meeting will be held for IE399 and IE499 Summer Practices on: March 16, 2012  Friday  16:30-17:20 at MF Building Conference Hall  (Cevdet Kösemen). The students who are potential  to conduct their summer practices in this summer on the condition of  completing the related prerequisite courses are to attend this meeting.
The following are the prerequisite topics for the summer practices:
For IE 399 :
·         IE102 Industrial Engineering Orientation
·         IE 206 Engineering Cost Analysis
·         MFGE 205 Manufacturing Processes
For IE 499 :
·         IE 399 Summer Practice I
·         IE 304 Information Management
·        IE 307 Production Planning and Control
You should complete 2 out of these 3 courses successfully for attending summer practice.                                                         
Students who are potential to conduct their summer practices this summer must attend the meeting. Attendence will be taken during the meeting.