European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is a student centered credit system based on the workload of the student. It is a value that represents all the studies (theoretical courses, applications, seminars, independent studies, examinations, assignments, etc.) that a student needs to complete in order to be successful in a course.



ECTS is one of the most important fields of study in the application phase of Bologna Process in Turkey. In recent years, many universities in Turkey intensified their studies for adjusting their credit and grading systems to ECTS principles.




At Atılım University, each course has both local and ECTS credits. The local credit hours of an undergraduate course are composed of all the weekly hours in theoretical courses, plus half the weekly hours in practical, studio, laboratory, and workshop sessions. The courses, which are not included in the Grade Point Average (GPA) as determined by the University Board, are not given any credit hours. Only the weekly theoretical and practical hours of such courses are to be specified.




Following the description of the learning outcomes and competencies for a specific course, ECTS credits are determined according to the exact workload of the student that s/he needs to acquire in order to succeed in the course, in other words, to gain the predefined learning outcomes. For the initial ECTS credit allocation, the instructors have envisioned the students’ average workload in order to be successful. The workload of each course has been checked with students by evaluation questionnaires at the end of each semester.  At Atılım University the minimum ECTS credits for a successful completion of a program per semester (16 weeks including the examination period) is 30 ECTS which is associated with 750-900 hours workload per semester including all the activities of the students (lectures, assignments, projects, midterms, finals etc.)



Compatible with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), Atılım University applies the following ECTS structures:


     First cycle (4 year Bachelors degree) program: 240 ECTS

     Second cycle (Master’s degree) program with Thesis: 120 ECTS

     Second cycle (Master’s degree) program without Thesis: 90 ECTS

     Third cycle (PhD) program (Normally 4 years): 240 ECTS



The calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is made according to the local credit and grade of the students. However, both local credits and ECTS credits along with the grades are displayed on the students’ official transcript.