The faculty of Atılım University not only brings the University to the upper levels in the ranking of publications as a Private University, but also continues to intensive scientific and academic studies. On the other hand, they also arrange academic guidence for professional and social development of their students. They fulfill academic guidance based on the regulations orginized by the Universtiy.

Every student at the University has an academic advisor from the beginning until graduation.  The academic advisor creates a file for each of his/her students. These files documents the course students will select, the attendance of students, enrollment/admission information, and academic status information, the participation in socio-cultural activities. The academic advisor, arrange meetings in order to help and guide students on predetermined days and times. Student’s academic affairs and other special problems are first declared to department head and  then delivered to the Dean's Office for  solution.

For more information click on the given link

Directive of Academic Advising