As per the Atılım University Board of Trustee Meeting dated 10.10.2023; scholarship quotas for the Academic Success Scholarship for the Academic Year of 2024-2025 as per Clause (C) of “Atılım University Scholarship Regulations” have been determined, and in this regard, the associate and undergraduate degree student quota for the Academic Year of 2023-2024 to be allocated for the scholarships detailed in Article (2.1) shall be 5% of the total number of students, excluding those pursuing Preparatory English courses; and as for the scholarships in Article (2.2); the scholarships for the undergraduate program students in the Academic Year of 2023-2024 shall be for the top 50 students and those for the associate degree program students in the Academic Year of 2023-2024 shall be for the top 5 students, both as per the university-wide rankings with regards to cumulative grade point averages.