ECTS - - Information Technology (without Thesis)

Compulsory Departmental Courses

ISE500 - Graduation Project (0 + 0) 15

Problem identification and analysis, research methodologies; literature survey, typical phases of the system development life cycle.

ISE501 - Foundations in IT Management (3 + 0) 5

Computing infrastructure overview; introduction to IT Services: event and fault management; problem management; change management; configuration management; asset management (inventory and software distribution); performance and capacity management;security management; network management; storage management; workload management; backup and recover

ISE502 - Organizational Management and Change (3 + 0) 5

Organizational behavior and management; personality and learning; perception, attribution and judgment of others; values, attitudes and work behavior, theories of work motivation, motivation in practice; groups and teamwork; leadership; communication; decision making, conflict and stress; organizational structure, change management principles: spon

ISE511 - IT Strategy Planning and Governance (3 + 0) 5

The IT strategic planning process; structuring the strategic planning process, analyzing the business environment; identifying the mission and competencies of your organization; assigning value and weight to enterprise objectives; reviewing established IT portfolios; measuring your IT governance maturity; aligning IT to your business objectives, de

Elective Courses

CMPE531 - Advanced Operating Systems (0 + 0) 5

Advanced topics in process scheduling, multiprocessor and real-time scheduling, concurrent programming fundamentals, review of inter-process communication, semaphores and monitors, synchronization and communication, fault tolerance, recent advances in operating systems.

CMPE538 - Advanced Computer Networks (3 + 0) 5

Advanced concepts of TCP/IP computer networks, routing principles and routing algorithms in TCP/IP networks, wireless-networking, multimedia networks, network security, network management.

CMPE541 - Advanced Databases (3 + 0) 5

Database system concepts, transaction processing, concurrency control and database recovery, object-oriented and object-relational databases, semi-structured data and XML, parallel and distributed databases, advanced concepts of distributed databases, introduction to big data, temporal databases.

ISE514 - Cloud Computing (3 + 0) 5

Basics of cloud computing, discovering the value of the cloud computing for business, advantages of cloud computing, elements of cloud computing, technical foundation of cloud computing, managing data in cloud, standards, managing and securing cloud services, virtualization, service oriented architecture, managing cloud environment.

ISE542 - IT Security (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to IT security, security plans, security policies, security models: TCSEC, common criteria, ISE/IEC 27000, CIBIT, ITIL; security risk assessment and management; security solutions; IT services and security; personnel security; ethics in IT security.

ISE555 - IT Economy (3 + 0) 5

Basics of economics and accounting; strategic decision making; outsourcing; project evaluation techniques; IT operational budget: SaaS, pricing models; service economy; cost tracking and management; IT spending and staffing benchmarks, metrics; performance evaluation.

SE503 - Information Systems Design (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to software architecture; design patterns; object-oriented modeling and architectural design with contemporary notation; experimentation in design; design prototyping; working on design teams and management of object-oriented projects; detailed design and implementation issues; design reviews; using design document for coding.

SE546 - Decision Support in Health Informatics (3 + 0) 5

Choosing the correct information for different decisions and communicate its meanings to users; evaluation of statistical and other methods and tools; the difference between research databases and operational databases; techniques to effectively communicate quantitative healthcare data using tables and graphs; methods for choosing the right medium.

SE550 - Software Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Introduction to software engineering and related topics; software process and project metrics; project planning; scheduling and tracking; configuration management; software quality assurance; requirement analysis; data flow diagrams and related topics; design concepts and methods; implementation; testing methods and test strategies; object-oriented

SE560 - Requirements Engineering (3 + 0) 5

Domain understanding and requirements eliciation; requirements evaluation; requirements specification and documentation; requirements quality assurance; requirements evolution; modeling system objectives with goal diagrams; risk analysis on goal models; modeling system agents and responsibilities; modeling system behaviours; integrating multiple sy

SE564 - Service Oriented Architecture and Business Process Management (3 + 0) 7.5

Basics of SOA; SOA design principles; SOA standards, foundations, BPEL, SOAP, WSDL and UDDI; governance; business process models; business process management from process and content management to collaboration and analytics; BPM enabled by SOA.

SE600 - Research Methods in Software Engineering (2 + 2) 7.5

Rigorous, scholarly research, particularly theses or dissertations; literature review; surveys; meta-analysis; empirical research design; formulating research questions; theory building; qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods; validity; reliability; triangulation; building evidences; writing research proposal and publica