ECTS - Economic Growth and Development

Economic Growth and Development (ECON522) Course Detail

Course Name Course Code Season Lecture Hours Application Hours Lab Hours Credit ECTS
Economic Growth and Development ECON522 General Elective 3 0 0 3 5
Pre-requisite Course(s)
Course Language English
Course Type Elective Courses
Course Level Social Sciences Master's Degree
Mode of Delivery Face To Face
Learning and Teaching Strategies Lecture, Discussion, Question and Answer.
Course Coordinator
Course Lecturer(s)
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Özgür Bor
Course Assistants
Course Objectives This class analyzes the different approached to development in a critical manner.
Course Learning Outcomes The students who succeeded in this course;
  • Different approaches to development will be critically analyzed.
  • Reasons for some countries' relative poverty, propositions to underdevelopmetn problem, growth dynamics and impact of globalization on development will be analyzed.
Course Content Basic facts about economic development, economic growth, development and inequality, economics of health, economics of education, gender and family, aid and development, corruption, microcredit, credit, savings and insurance, land, agriculture, incentives, urbanization, environment and development.

Weekly Subjects and Releated Preparation Studies

Week Subjects Preparation
1 Introduction and Pre-Readings Thorbecke, E. (2007). The Evolution of the Development Doctrine, 1950-2005. In Mavrotas G. and A. Shorrocks (eds.), Advancing Development: Core Themes in Global Economics, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 3-36. {Çeviri: Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Kalkınma: Seçme Yazılar (Derleyen ve Yayına Hazırlayan Fikret Şenses) içinde, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2009, ss. 123-176.} Rapley, J. (2007). Understanding Development, Theory and practice in the Third World, Third Edition, Boulder & London: Lynne Rienner, Chapter 1-5.
2 Traditional Models and Approaches of Development Economics Todaro, M. P. and S. P. Smith (2003). Economic Development, 8th Edition, Addison-Wesley, Chapter 4.
3 The Premise of Growth Theory, Harrod-Domar Model, Solow Model and Resources of Growth Thirlwall, A. P. (2002). The Nature of Economic Growth: An Alternative Framework for Understanding the Performance of Nations, Edward Elgar, Chapter 1&2. İsmihan, M. ve K. Metin-Özcan (2006), Türkiye Ekonomisinde Büyümenin Kaynakları, 1960- 2004, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 241, 74-86. Yeldan, E. (2011). İktisadi Büyüme ve Bölüşüm Teorileri. 2. Baskı, Efil Yayınevi, Bölüm IV.
4 Endogenous Growth Models Romer, P. (2008). Beyond Classical and Keynesian Macroeconomic Policy, In Secondi G. (ed.), The Development Economics Reader, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 49-56. Thirlwall, A. P. (2002). The Nature of Economic Growth: An Alternative Framework for Understanding the Performance of Nations, Edward Elgar, Chapter 2. Yeldan, E. (2011). İktisadi Büyüme ve Bölüşüm Teorileri. 2. Baskı, Efil Yayınevi, Bölüm VI&VII.
5 Human Development, Growth, Politics Sen, A. (2008). Perspectives on the Economic Development of India and China, In Secondi G. (ed.), The Development Economics Reader, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 34-40. The Economist (2008). The Poor and the Rich, In Secondi G. (ed.), The Development Economics Reader, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 42-48. Brady, D., and Spence, M. (2009) Leadership and Politics: A Perspective from the Growth Commission, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 25(2), 205-18. Acemoglu, D. and J. A. Robinson D. (2000). Political Losers as a Barrier to Economic Development, American Economic Review Proceedings, 90 (2), 126-30. [Commission on Growth and Development (2008), The Growth Report: Strategies for Sustained Growth and Inclusive Development, Washington, DC, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank.]
6 Political Economy of Growth and Development: Turkey Öniş, Z. ve F. Şenses (2007). Global Dynamics, Domestic Coalitions and a Reactive State: Major Policy Shifts in Post-War Turkish Economic Development, METU Studies in Development, 34 (2), 251-286. {Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Kalkınma: Seçme Yazılar (Derleyen ve Yayına Hazırlayan Fikret Şenses) içinde, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2009, ss. 705-744.} İsmihan, M (2009). Kronik İstikrarsızlık ve Potansiyel Büyüme Hızı: Türkiye Deneyimi, 1960-2006. DEÜ İİBF Dergisi, 24 (1), 73-91. Altuğ, S., Filiztekin, A. and Ş. Pamuk (2008). Sources of long-term economic growth for Turkey, 1880–2005. European Review of Economic History, 12(3), 393-430. [İsmihan, M., Metin-Özcan K. and A. Tansel (2005) The Role of Macroeconomic Instability in Public and Private Capital accumulation and Growth: The Case of Turkey 1963-1999, Applied Economics, 37 (2), 239-251.]
7 Demand-Led Growth: Manufacturing, Export, Balance and Payments Restrictions and Thirwall Law. Thirlwall, A. P. (2002). The Nature of Economic Growth: An Alternative Framework for Understanding the Performance of Nations, Edward Elgar, Chapter 4&5. Thirlwall, A. P. (2011). Balance of payments constrained growth models: History and overview. PSL Quarterly Review, 64(259), 307-351. Available at SSRN: Aricioglu, E., Ucan O & Sarac, T. B. (2013). Thirlwall’s Law: The Case of Turkey, 1987–2011. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 5 (9), 59-68.
8 Instability, Expenditure Dynamics, Politics, Productivity and Growth İsmihan, M. and F. G. Özkan (2005). Political Instability, Public Investment, and Macroeconomic Performance. Economics Bulletin, 5(2), 1-12. Easterly, W. (2002). The Elusive Quest for Growth: Economists Adventures and Misadventures in the Tropics, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London: The MIT Press, pp. 217-239. Rodrik, D. (1999). Where Did all the Growth Go? External Shocks, Social Conflict and Growth Collapses. Journal of Economic Growth, 4, 385–412. İsmihan, M. (2012). The Political Economy of Productivity Collapses and Accelerations: The Turkish Experience, 1950-2010, Presented in the International Conference on Economics III, Çeşme-İzmir, November, 1-3. [Alesina, A. and D. Rodrik (1994). Distributive Politics and Economic Growth. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 109(2), 65-90.]
9 Geography, Institutions, Democracy and Development. Acemoglu, D. (2003). Root Causes: A Historical Approach to Assessing the Role of Institutions in Economic Development, Finance & Development, 40 (2), June 2003, 27-30. Rodrik, D. and A. Subramanian (2003). The Primacy of Institutions (And What This Does and Does Not Mean), Finance & Development, 40 (2), June 2003, 31-34. Sachs, J. D. (2003). Institutions Matter, But Not for Everything: The Role of Geography and Resource Endowments in Development Should Not be Underestimated, Finance & Development, 40 (2), June 2003, 38-41. Barro, R. J. (2008). Democracy and Growth, In Secondi G. (ed.), The Development Economics Reader, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 92-98. Rodrik, D. (2000). Institutions for High-Quality Growth: What They Are and How to Acquire Them, Studies in Comparative International Development, 35(3), 3-31.
10 Poverty and Development Banerjee, A. V. and E. Duflo (2008). The Economic Lives of the Poor, In Secondi G. (ed.), The Development Economics Reader, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 146-170. Şenses, F. (2008). Missing Links in Poverty Analysis in the Age of Neoliberal Globalization: Some Lessons from Turkey, New Perspectives on Turkey, 38, 61-81. {Çeviri: Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Kalkınma: Seçme Yazılar (Derleyen ve Yayına Hazırlayan Fikret Şenses) içinde, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2009, ss. 679-704.} The Economist (2008). New Thinking About an Old Problem, In Secondi G. (ed.), The Development Economics Reader, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 172-76.
11 Inequality and Development Birdsall, N. (2008). Inequality Matters, In Secondi G. (ed.), The Development Economics Reader, London and New York: Routledge, pp. 135-145. Galor, O. (2009). Inequality and Economic Development: An Overview, http://www. Barro, R. J. (2008). Inequality and Growth Revisited, Working Paper Series on Regional Economic Integration No:11, Asian Development Bank. Easterly, W. (2007). Inequality Does Cause Underdevelopment: Insights from a New Instrument. Journal of Development Economics, 84(2), 755-776. [Engerman, S. L. and K. L. Sokoloff (2000). Institutions, Factor Endowments, and Paths of Development in the New World. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(3), 217–232.]
12 Globalization, Washington Concensus, Global Crisis and After. Williamson, J. (2008). A Short History of the Washington Consensus, In Serra N. and J. E. Stiglitz (eds.), The Washington Consensus Reconsidered, Towards a New Global Governance, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 14-30. Stiglitz, J. E. (2008). Is there a Post-Washington Consensus Consensus?, In Serra N. and J. E. Stiglitz (eds.), The Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 41-56. A Group of Economists (2008). The Barcelona Development Agenda, In Serra N. and J. E. Stiglitz (eds.), The Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 57-60. Stiglitz, J. E. (2013). The Post-Crisis Crises, Project Syndicate. [Öniş Z. and F. Şenses (2005). Rethinking the Emerging Post-Washington Consensus, Development and Change, 36 (2), 263-90. {Çeviri: Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Kalkınma: Seçme Yazılar (Derleyen ve Yayına Hazırlayan Fikret Şenses) içinde, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2009, ss. 347-385.}] [İsmihan, M., H. Olgun and F. M. Utku (2008). Globalization of National Economies, 1975-2005, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 1 (14), 68-81]
13 Policies, Institutions, Growth Strategies and Development Naudé, W., Szirmai, A. & A., Lavopa (2013). Industrialization Lessons from BRICS: A Comparative Analysis, IZA Discussion Papers 7543, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). Rodrik, D. (2008). A Practical Approach to Formulating Growth Strategies, In Serra N. and J. E. Stiglitz (eds.), The Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 356-66. Acemoglu, D. and J. A. Robinson (2006). Paths of Economic and Political Development, In Weingast B. R. and D. A. Wittman (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 673-692. Bluhm, R. and A. Szirmai, 2012. Institutions and long-run growth performance: An analytic literature review of the institutional determinants of economic growth, UNU-MERIT Working Paper Series 033, United Nations University, Maastricht Economic and social Research and training centre on Innovation and Technology. [Hausmann, R., Rodrik, D. and A. Velasco (2008). Growth Diagnostics, In Serra N. and J. E. Stiglitz (eds.), The Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 324-55.] [Stiglitz J. E. (2005). Development Policies in a World of Globalization, Putting Development First: The Importance of Policy Space in the WTO and International Financial Institutions, Gallagher K. (ed.), London ve New York: Zed Books, pp. 15-32. {Neoliberal Küreselleşme ve Kalkınma: Seçme Yazılar (Derleyen ve Yayına Hazırlayan Fikret Şenses) içinde, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2009, ss. 281-306.}]
14 Paper Presentations
15 Paper Presentations
16 Final Exam


Course Book 1. Thorbecke, E. (2007). The Evolution of the Development Doctrine, 1950-2005. In Mavrotas G. and A. Shorrocks (eds.), Advancing Development: Core Themes in Global Economics, New York: Palgrave Macmillan
2. Thirlwall, A. P. (2002). The Nature of Economic Growth: An Alternative Framework for Understanding the Performance of Nations, Edward Elgar
3. Yeldan, E. (2011). İktisadi Büyüme ve Bölüşüm Teorileri. 2. Baskı, Efil Yayınevi

Evaluation System

Requirements Number Percentage of Grade
Attendance/Participation 1 20
Laboratory - -
Application - -
Field Work - -
Special Course Internship - -
Quizzes/Studio Critics - -
Homework Assignments - -
Presentation - -
Project 1 40
Report - -
Seminar - -
Midterms Exams/Midterms Jury - -
Final Exam/Final Jury 1 40
Toplam 3 100
Percentage of Semester Work 60
Percentage of Final Work 40
Total 100

Course Category

Core Courses X
Major Area Courses
Supportive Courses
Media and Managment Skills Courses
Transferable Skill Courses

The Relation Between Course Learning Competencies and Program Qualifications

# Program Qualifications / Competencies Level of Contribution
1 2 3 4 5
1 Maliye-Vergi alan ile ilgili temel kuramsal bilgileri uygulamaya yönelik kazanımları da elde edecek şekilde ileri seviyede sahip olur.
2 Maliye-Vergi alanına ilişkin konuları bir yöntem çerçevesinde ele almak suretiyle tespit edebilir ve analitik bakış açısıyla raporlayıp değerlendirebilir.
3 İktisat, işletme ve hukuk başta olmak üzere belli disiplinlere yönelik bilgilerle donanımlı bir şekilde ekonomik ve mali olayları anlayıp, yorumlayıp analiz edebilir
4 Teorik bilgiler ve güncel tartışmalar üzerinden mali ve ekonomik sorunlara ilişkin sebep-sonuç ilişkisini kurarak, mali analizler yaparak problemlerin çözümüne ilişkin politikalar ve stratejiler geliştirir.
5 Kamu mali yönetimi ve bütçe teorisinin kamu politikaları ilişkisini kurmak suretiyle güçlü bir şekilde bütçe analizleri yapar, kamu finansmanına ilişkin analizleri geliştirir ve politika uygulama ilişkisini kurar.
6 Vergi teorisini anlama, hukuki altyapısını öğrenme, gelişmeleri takip edebilme ve vergisel konularda mesleki bir yeterlik kazanılması ile birlikte etkin bir şekilde geliştirir.
7 Özel ve kamu kurum ve işletmelerinde muhasebe sistemleri bilgisine sahip olur, kazandığı bilgi ve yetkinlikle işletmelerin mali ve finansal yapısını analiz eder ve yorumlar.
8 Makro ekonomik yapı ve büyüme teorisine ilişkin teorik ve ülke örneklerini kapsayacak şekilde bilgi sahibi olur, ekonomik gelişmeleri kuramsal açıdan değerlendirir.
9 Mali ve ekonomik alanda yabancı dili kullanabilir, uluslararası literatürü takip edebilir, mesleki konularda iletişim kurabilir.
10 Bilgi teknolojilerini, dijital gelişmeleri ile yaygın yazılımları kullanarak, alanına özgü çalışmalarda teknolojik gelişmelerden yararlanır.
11 Ekonomik, mali, sosyal, kurumsal olayların analiz edilmesi için gerekli olan nitel ve nicel yöntemleri kullanır.
12 Akademik ve mesleki sorumluluklarını yerine getirirken birleşmiş milletler sürdürülebilir kalkınma hedeflerine, temel özgürlüklere, dezavantajlı gruplara, çevreye, kültürel ve ahlaki değerlere saygılı bir yaklaşım geliştirir.

ECTS/Workload Table

Activities Number Duration (Hours) Total Workload
Course Hours (Including Exam Week: 16 x Total Hours) 16 3 48
Special Course Internship
Field Work
Study Hours Out of Class 16 4 64
Presentation/Seminar Prepration
Homework Assignments
Quizzes/Studio Critics
Prepration of Midterm Exams/Midterm Jury 1 2 2
Prepration of Final Exams/Final Jury 1 3 3
Total Workload 117