ECTS - - Clinical Psychology Non-Thesis Master Program

1) Knowledge of theories and empirical data on the professional relationship, such as: Interpersonal relationships, power relationships, boundary issues, therapeutic alliance and more specific knowledge of the fluctuations of the therapeutic/professional relationship as a function of intervention setting.
2) Knowledge of self, such as motivation, resources, values, personal biases and others; macro (work, national norms) and micro (family, gender differences) environment in which the person functions.
3) Acquiring skills of effective communication, establishment and maintenance of rapport, establishment and maintenance of trust and respect in the professional relationship.
4) Accepting obligations, being sensitive to others, and conducting the self in an ethical manner while working with other professionals.
5) Knowledge and skills of assessment and evaluation such as assessment methods, knowledge of populations served in a cultural context, human development and diagnosis along with necessary skills such as collection and processing data, formulation of hypotheses and making a diagnosis when appropriate, report writing and formulation of an action plan.
6) The learning of an array of varied interventions with individuals and systems such as couples, families, groups and organizations, selecting and applying appropriate intervention methods.
7) Analyzing the information by utilizing critical reasoning skills, developing a conceptual framework towards solution of a critical problem, and communicating this to the client.
8) Sufficient skills in the conduct of research to be able to develop and carry out projects in a professional context and, in certain cases, in an academic context. Applications of various research approaches to social systems.
9) Has knowledge of ethical principles and skills of ethical decision-making process, proactive identification of potential ethical dilemmas and resolution of ethical dilemmas.
10) Learning to be a receptive supervisee such as open to supervision, well prepared, able to use time efficiently, aware of limits, and ability to link learning approaches to specific evaluation criteria.