Atılım University

Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Department of Translation and Interpretation

ETI 410 Translation Traineeship: Guidelines for Traineeship


·         In order to graduate from the Department of Translation and Interpretation the undergraduate students have to complete ETI 410 Translation Traineeship (2 credits) course succesfully.

·         Students have to complete their compulsory traineeship which has to be at least for 20 working days in order to enrol ETI 410 Translation Traineeship.

·         Students can complete their traineeships in private or public enterprises either domestic or foreign. The traineeship has to related to translation.

·         Students can begin their traineeship after the 6th semester.

·         Students find the institution or agency themselves, get approval after negotiating with the authorized person in the institution and make required arrangements. Later, they apply to the Department’s Secreteriat with the official letter from the institution.

·         In accordance with the Social Security Institution’s law numbered 5510 the student has to insured by the University against "Occupational Accidents and Professional Diseases” and the required documents can be listed as: student certificate, identity card, certificate of address and 2 photographs and the official letter from the institution (in duplicate). Students should deliver these documents to the Department’s Secretariat at least 10 days before the traineeship.

·         Students officially begin the training after the completion of insurance transactions.

·         Students deliver Traineeship Evulation Form filled by the institution where they complete their traineeship to the Department’s Traineeship Coordinator.


 Traineeship Evulation Form

·         Before starting their traineeship students take the Traineeship Evaluation Form from the Department’s Secretariat  and delivers the form to the authorized person in the institution at the end of the traineeship period. The authorized person fills in the form and delivers it in a sealed envelope with signature and stamp. Then, the student gives the form to the Department’s Traineeship Coordinator.


Traineeship File


·         Students prepare a Traineeship File which includes traineeship report (written by the student), translations made during traineeship (both source and target texts), terminology and Traineeship Evaluation Form and deliver the file to the Department’s Traineeship Coordinator.


Opportunities / Suggestions for traineeship

·         ​T.C. Prime Ministry

·         T.C. Ministry of Culture and Tourism

·         T.C. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

·         T.C. Ministry of Interior

·         T.C. Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications

·         T.C. Ministry of European Union

·         Turkish Radio and Television Association (TRT)

·         Turkish Basketball Federation

·         Ankara Metropolitan Municipality

·         Chambers of Industry and Commerce

·         Erasmus Traineeship Mobility

·         Translation Offices

·         Publishing Houses