Higher Education Council Presidency of School Inquiry Certificate

SCHOOL RECOGNITION DOCUMENTS are available via the online services by the Higher Education Council.

  • Students to have applied to and been accepted for Graduate Degree programs in Turkey may check whether the schools from which they have graduated with an Undergraduate or a Graduate Degree are recognized as per the Higher Education Council, and get their recognition documentation in PDF.

  • International students with a residence permit number may use the School Equivalence Documentation Query page on the Higher Education Council platform, or on the e-Government platform, after obtaining an e-Government password with their Turkish ID number.

  • To register to Graduate Degree programs at Atılım University, applicants are required to provide School Recognition Documentation for the schools from which they have received their Undergraduate and/ or Graduate Degree.

  • The gallery below is provided to present a walkthrough in 8 slides to aid you in your queries via the e-Government platform, and the Higher Education Council School Recognition Documentation Query page.