Bilimsel Yayınlarımız (SCI, SCI-E, SSCI ve AHCI- Son 5 Yıl)

  1. M.Eryılmaz, E.Balkaya, E.Uçan, G.Turan & S.G.Oral (2022) Machine vs. deep learning comparision for developing an international sign language translator, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, DOI: 10.1080/0952813X.2022.2115560 (SCI –Expanded) 

  2. M.Eryılmaz ,G.Kalem, H.Kilic, G.Tirkes, D.Topalli, C.Turhan, B.Alakus & A.Yazici (2022) Online Learning Perceptions amid COVID-19 Pandemic: The Engineering Undergraduates’ Perspective, International Journal of Engineering Education, Good Practices for Emergency Situations and Remote Regions – Part 2 special issue, Volume 38 Number 2  ISSN 0949-149X, P 408-420 (SCI –Expanded) 

  3. M.Eryılmaz, A. Adabashi (2020), Development of an Intelligent Tutoring System Using Bayesian Networks and Fuzzy Logic for a Higher Student Academic Performance . MDPI. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10(19), 6638. doi:10.3390/app10196638. (SCI –Expanded)

  4. M.Eryılmaz, C.Çiğdemoğlu (2018), Individual Flipped Learning and Cooperative Flipped Learning: Their Effects on Students’ Performance, Social, and Computer Anxiety, Interactive Learning Environments. Published online: 17 Sep 2018  (SSCI)

  5. Akman, I., & Turhan, C. (2018), Investigation of employers’ performance expectations for new IT graduates in individual and team work settings for software development, Information Technology & People (Accepted for Publication)

  6. Akman, I., & Turhan, C. (2018), Male and female differences in the use of social media for learning purposes, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, (Accepted for publication), doi: 10.1080/14703297.2017.1407250

  7. M. Karakaya, M. Eryılmaz, U. Ceyhan (2018), Analyzing Students’ Academic Success in Pre-requisite Course Chains: A Case Study in Turkey, International Journal of Engineering Education IJEE Vol. 34, No. 2(A), pp. 1–7.

  8. D. Topalli & N. E. Cagiltay (2018). Improving programming skills in engineering education through problem-based game projects with Scratch. Computers & Education, 120, 64-74.

  9. D. Topalli, B.G. Eyuboglu, N.E. Cagiltay (2018), Understanding the effect of handedness on both-handed task performance: An experimental study based on a haptic-controlled, simulation-based surgical skill training scenario, International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, (Accepted for publication), doi: 10.1080/10447318.2018.1464283

  10. Akman, I., & Mishra, A. (2017). Factors influencing consumer intention in social commerce adoption. Information Technology & People, 30(2), 356-370.

  11. Akman, I., & Turhan, C. (2017). User acceptance of social learning systems in higher education: an application of the extended Technology Acceptance Model. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 54(3), 229-237.

  12. Cagiltay, N. E., Ozcelik, E., Sengul, G., & Berker, M. (2017). Construct and face validity of the educational computer-based environment (ECE) assessment scenarios for basic endoneurosurgery skills. Surgical endoscopy, 31(11), 4485-4495.

  13. G. Tirkeş, C. Güray, N. Çelebi (2017), Demand Forecasting: A Comparison Between The Holt-Winters, Trend Analysis and Decomposition Models, Tehnicki vjesnik / Technical Gazette , Croatia, Vol. 24/Suppl. 2, 503-509

  14. Akman, I., & Rehan, M. (2016). Examination of factors influencing employees’ adoption of mobile commerce and services in Turkey. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 29(1), 770-781.

  15. Bostan, A. (2016). Implicit learning with certificate warning messages on SSL web pages: what are they teaching?. Security and Communication Networks, 9(17), 4295-4300.

  16. Y. Ege, S. Nazlibilek, A. Kakilli, H. Çıtak, O. Kalender, K. L. Ertürk, G. Şengül, D. Karacor (2016), A Magnetic Measurement System and Identification Method for Buried Magnetic Materials Within Wet and Dry Soils, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing54(3), 1803-1811

  17. Savuran, H., & Karakaya, M. (2016). Efficient route planning for an unmanned air vehicle deployed on a moving carrier. Soft Computing, 20(7), 2905-2920.

  18. G. Şengül (2016), Classification of parasite egg cells using gray level cooccurence matrix and kNN, Biomedical Research27(3), 829-834

  19. A. Yazici, A. Mishra, Z. Karakaya (2016), Teaching Parallel Computing Concepts Using Real-Life Applications, International Journal of Engineering Education, England, 2(A), 772-781

  20. Akman I. and Mishra A.  (2015). “Sector Diversity in Green Information Technology Practices: Technology Adoption Model Perspective”, (forthcoming), Computers in Human Behavior.

  21. Bostan A. and Akman, I. (2015). “Impact of Education on Security Practices in ICT”, Tehnički vjesnik / Technical Gazette, 22(1), 161-168

  22. Y. Ege, S. Nazlibilek, A. Kakilli, H. Citak, O. Kalender, D. Karacor, K.L.Erturk, G. Sengul (2015), A Study on the Performance of Magnetic Material Identification System by SIFT-BRISK and Neural Network Methods, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics51

  23. Karakaya, M. (2015). Time-Sensitive Ant Colony Optimization to Schedule A Mobile Sink for Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 28(1-2), 65-82.

  24. Karakaya, M. (2015). Msct: an efficient data collection heuristic for wireless sensor networks with limited sensor memory capacity. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS), 9(9), 3396-3411.

  25. Z. Karakaya, B. Baranoglu, B. Çetin and A. Yazici (2015), A Parallel Boundary Element Formulation for Tracking Multiple Particle Trajectories in Stoke’s Flow for Microfluidic Applications, CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences, 3, 227-249

  26. S. Nazlibilek, D. Karacor, K. L. Ertürk, G. Şengül, T. Ercan, F. Aliew (2015), White Blood Cells Classifications by SURF Image Matching, PCA and Dendrogram, Biomedical Research, 26(4)

  27. S. Tapkin, B. Şengöz, G. Şengül, A. Topal, E Özçelik (2015), Estimation of polypropylene concentration of modified bitumen images by using k-NN and SVM classifiers, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering.29, 5

  28. Ç. Turhan, G. Şengül, M. Koyuncu (2015), A Comprehensive assessment plan for accreditation in engineering education: A case study in Turkey, International Journal of Engineering Education, 31, pp. 1270–1281

  29. Akman, I., & Rehan, M. (2014). Online purchase behaviour among professionals: a socio-demographic perspective for Turkey. Economic research-Ekonomska istraživanja, 27(1), 689-699.

  30. Akman, I. and Mishra, A. (2014), Green Information Technology Practices among IT Professionals: Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective, Problemy Ekorozwoju/Problems of Sustainable Development, 9(2), 86-104

  31. Egoeze, F., Misra, S., Akman, I. and Colomo-Palacios, R. (2014), An Evaluation of ICT Infrastructure and Application in Nigeria Universities, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 11(9) , 115-129

  32. Eryılmaz M. , Simsek N. (2014), The Evaluation of Students’ Academic Achievements in Adaptive Environments, Education and Science, 39, 173

  33. Kara, N., Aydin, C. C., & Cagiltay, K. (2014). Design and development of a smart storytelling toy. Interactive Learning Environments, 22(3), 288-297.

  34. Kara, N., Aydin, C. C., & Cagiltay, K. (2014). User study of a new smart toy for children's storytelling. Interactive Learning Environments, 22(5), 551-563.

  35. Korkmaz O., Akman, I. and Ostrovska, S., (2014). “Assessing Software Quality Using the Markov Decision Processes”, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 24 (1), 86-104.

  36. Mishra, A. and Akman, I. (2014), Green Information Technology (GIT) and Gender Diversity, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 13(12), 2999-3007

  37. Mishra, D., Akman, I. and Mishra, A. (2014), Theory of Reasoned Action application for Green Information Technology Acceptance, Computers in Human Behavior, 36, 29-40

  38. Misra S. and Akman, I. (2014), A Cognitive Model for Meetings in the Software Development Process, Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 24(1), 1-13